Capilan ating Pascu? (Cadua quing apat a daque)

Nanung ulaga na ning sablang pibandian nung ala cang pirinan at piriquilan careting pibandian a reti? Nung ala ne man ing peca-maulagang sangcap na ning bie para qng meto-quetauan, nanu la pa mo ulaga ring sablang bague a atin ya ing metung a tau?
Mapaliaring atin tamung aquit a macabaldugan a paquibat careting cutang caniting tutuquing paquibat:
“Ating Pascu potang ing tune mu nang paulagan a pibandian ya pin ing lugud. Maguing iti lugud ne man ning taung e mu naman nanu balang o ding taung, misan qng bie mu, atapucanan mu lang dimut mu mang pansin, panaun, at pamag-paulaga qng carelang pangatau. Maguing Pascu ya mung tune ing Pascu potang agyu mu nang mate bucas a e mu na isipan nung nanu ing lacuan mung pibandian queti qng yatu, dapot nung nanu ing licuan at bacalan mung lugud at cayapan pabalic qng quecang tune carinan.”
[Paquibat na ning metung a mabandi at macualtang balung babai. Atiu no ngan aliuang bansa ring anac na at bucud na mung ing personal nang nars yang abe na bale. E ya canu malungcut sumangid na ning e no abe ring calugura’na qng bie. Mete ya canitang Abril 8, 2012 uli ning cancer. Ini nang paquibat dinuang nia canacu ning cayang nars. E ne canu buring pa-email o ipa-text canacu. Migcasaquit na cung mamasa qng cayang macasulat a paquibat, dapot macapagmulala ing icua na pang asulat ing abasa yu queting articulo sumangid na ning cayang masaquit a cabilian. Mipa-caili cu iniang aquit cu la ring anac na iniang icutcut da ne.]
Sana mu pin icua neng apamana canacu ing peca-maulaga nang pibandian: ing pamangaua na qng Dios anting tune at peca-maulagang diling pibandia’na qng bie. Mig-prisinta cung magcantang metung a canta qng cayang libing. “Tanging Yaman” ya ing quinta cu qng daque na ning pamaquinabang ning misa.
Tutu pin… tutu ping atin tamung acuang cabiasnan caring anac, macananu ya man caritac ining beluan, sapat ne ban micabus ya ing meto-quetauan.
Maquiramdam tamu carela:
Anac a babai: “Ing Pascu pu December 25 ya! Casi pu (Uling) masaya cami qng aldong ini casi (uling) dacal la pamangan ring siping ming bale, at mas dacal ing babie da quecaming ulam casi (uling) ala caming handa (tau). Mahirap (Calulu) cami mu pu casi. Maniaman pu ing didinan, casi (uling) ala caming perang panialing handa (tau/pamangan).”
Anac a lalaqui: “Siguru pu (Mapaliaring) ating Pascu potang e na cami pane (maralas) maranup. Pota pu sigurung e na cami malungcut casi (uling) e cami macapagaral uali cu aldo-aldo casi (uling) ala caming pera. Pota pu sigurung macatudtud na caming masalese uali cu… (carin ating Pascu).”
[Paquibat da ring aduang micapatad a street children a mamalimus a pera at pamangan. E cu asucad ing tula cu iniang iquit cu qng lupa ra ing misnang tula caibat cong dininan pamangan a seli cu Jollibee. Siyam yang banua edad ing babai at labing-metung ne man ing lalaqui.]
Mequipag-cuentu cu pang ditac a penandit caring mica-patad cabang alben cong mamangan, dapot balisa la cabang mipag-cuentu cami. Quitnan cu la nung baquit, dapot alang mequibat carelang adua. Nia e cu na pelambatan pa ing pamipag-cuentu mi.
Icayu na’ng balang mangulap caring cabiasnan ibat caring paquibat da ring anac a reni caring cutang cu. Mananu na sanang e la mipalampas caring panimanman da ring quecayung pusu at caisipan rening cabiasnan a maliari nang pigunaman ning ninumang magdulap qng simpling tula qng bie na, dapot magdulapa mu namang mas malalam a cabalduga’na ning Pascu, a macalilip caring pamangamanu da ring anac a migculangan palad qng bie.
Ing pulitica (at nung e yu icamua at nung ipaintulut da ring quecayung sensibilidad at cabiasnan,) at ring puliticu marinat la qng paglalaue da ring tau. Balu tamu ngan nung baquit, dapot balu ta pin caya ing balu tamo?
Pigcapilitan cung acua ing paquibat na ning metung a puliticu tungcul carening mapilan a cutang cung a reni, uling e cu buring palabasan ing pamicatagun a e que acua ing punto de vista na ning metung a taung manucnangan qng marinat at magulung labuad na ning pulitica. Buri cung abalu ing buri cung abalu a mapaliaring buri da namang abalu ring mapilan a calupa cung e ra pa balu ing balu ra, at ing e ra balu tungcul qng maguing paquibat na ning metung a susuyu caring balen at ring memale’nang mipagcatiuala carela qng complicadung casuyuan a’ini.
Nanu caya ing aibie nang paquibat?
“Ing tutu na nini, e cu balu nung nanung paquibat cu queca caring cutang mung a reni. Ala namang masaquit a amanung dapat paqui-intindian pero (dapot) tabalu o’t magcasaquit cung mie paquibat carening cutang mu. Siguru (Mapaliaring) uling ngeni la pa mu pasibayung micutang canacu reni caibat na ning maluat a panaun. Maliari cayang tanggapan mu ing paquibat a e cu balu ing paquibat carening cutang a rene? [Acutang cung malaus qng sarili cu nung e ne caya abasa ing sinulat cu tungcul caring e cu balu. Dapot menenaya cu pang ditac a penandit cabang acaquit queng magdulap paquibat ining puliticu. Angga qng magsalita yang pasibayu…] Sigue, maguing tapat cu queca caring maguing paquibat cu… ustu la man o ali qng panaquit mu, ing maulaga ya pin ing tapat lang paquibat ring aibie cu. Potang ati’nang catapatan at ala nang capamuraitan, Pascu’ita. Pascu ya ing Pascu potang ala nang catacauan. Reni na mu siguru ilang aibie cung paquibat caring cutang mu. E cu casi sane at tutung biasang maquibat caring anti careting cutang.”
[Paquibat na ning dating alcalde/mayor na ning metung a balen queti lalauigan Capampangan a magnasang pasibayung tagal qng e cu balu nung nanung posisiun qng bale’nang tibuan, caibat na ning pilan mu ring banuang pamag-painaua qng pulitica.]
Meco cu qng lugal a piaquitan mi nining puliticu a e cu balu nung nanu ing panandaman cu. Dapot metung mu ing daralan cu qng quecaming pamicauani: puliticu ya ing acasabi cu a que-altauanan dimut mu mang catutuan qng dimut a penandit at qng dimut a amanu a linual qng pangatau (o panga-puliticu nung ini ing mas buri yung isipan) na ning metung a taung e dimut qng dacal a bague at e dimut qng beluan, dapot menibatan qng malualas a labuad na ning puliticang mabibieng dimut qng catutuan.
Quening tutuquing taung quesabi cu, e cu migcasaquit cumang oras na ning quecaming pami-quit at pamipagsalita uling caluguran que ing taung a’ini. Dapat mu sigurung e que’a mu naman palabasan ing pamicatagun a icutang la rening cutang cu qng taung maca-abitu, ring taung casaup na ning Guinu qng pamaniese at pamamastul caring caladua queti sulip. Tambing neng macasadia ing cayang paquibat. Dinuang nia canacu at computerized ya pa. Inauad na ing basan que pa mu ing meguing paquibat na, uling tutu ya canung migunam at mengadi pa mu bayu no pequibatan ring cutang cu.
Ngana na ning paquibat na:
“Ating Pascu potang tinggap da na ring dacal ming papastulan ing marinat cami naman. Ating Pascu potang tinggap da na at tutu da nang aintindian ring quecaming papastulan at calupa cung magpastul ing tutu nang beyata’na ning quecaming casuyuan at cayausan. Ating Pascu potang tinucnang no ring dacal caring quecaming papastulan qng pamagtratu da quecaming anti mong maca-aliua cami pamangailangan at capanandaman caring dacal a taung quecaming papastulan, potang ing iapag da caring ortelanu dang bisita, macanian mu naman ing pacan da quecami. Ating Pascu potang tinggap da na ring queraclan ing catutuan a e cami especial qng balang penandit na ning bie mi. Ating Pascu potang ala na caring cabaru cu qng casuyuan ing manaco, macabuctut at micaca-anac quilub na ning carelang casuyuan, manlalaqui, maglasing, susugal at magbisiu, magpaca-cualta at magpacasaya qng maca-yatung pamibiebie, buisit, mayabang at matas a lub, alang utang a lub, sapac paguinaquit at sucal a lub, tatamad na quing carelang casuyuan, at e na la piyaquitan ning lupa ning Dios queti sulip. Ating Pascu potang ring caladua ming papastulan tutu da na queng luluguran e uling pari cami dapot uling tau cami namang calupa rang ating queinan. Potang iti ngan mepaliari na, carin ya pa mu siguru tutung maguing ganap a Pascu ing Pascu para canacu at caring dacal a calupa cung pari.”
[Paquibat na ning metung a paring labing-walu nang banua qng panga-pari na.]
Nanung asabi co? Careti ngan, Among, o’ini mu ing asabi co: Amen!
Ing bunduc metung yang sagradung lugal qng Banal a Casulatan. Queni ya maralas maquitabnu at maquipagsalita ing Dios caring taung pinili nang sumuya caya at caring cayang cauan. Dapot macananu nung ing lugal a ini, carin na la manucnangan maralas ring taung, agpang qng carelang capaniualan, magnasa la mung manaquit catuparan caring carelang taguimpan a maluat da nang paquipaglaban, paquipatayan? Nucarin ya pa caya mayaquit ing cabanalan at capayapan a maluat nang sinimbulu na ning matas a lugal a mibaba nang tutu cabaldugan ngening panaun a casalucuyan? Nanu caya ing asabi ra ring taung atiu qng quilual na ning normal a pamibiebie at qng lual na ning normal a tucnangan?
Aguia mang e na cu icuang apaquiquitan, mipaldan cu iniang abalu cu qng canacung caluguran a meca-ibie yang paquibat caring canacung cutang ing taung ating matas a catungculan qng New People’s Army. Computerized ya pa at maca-limbag ya qng papil a miqui-letterhead ing cayang macuyad a paquibat canacu.
O’ini ing cayang sinulat a paquibat:
“Ating Pascu potang e na que mamunduc pa, potang ala nang sangcan para manucnangan at mibiebie que pa caring bunduc. Potang aintindian da na ring tau at ning gobiernu ring quecaming sentimientu at paquipate-bie a prinsipiu o capaniualan. Sana luguran da cami naman ding tau. Pascu ya ing Pascu potang dinatang ne ing aldo a maca-abe na cami qng mainstream society, e bilang calaban nune bilang cayaduangan qng paniulung na ning lipunan a quecami mu namang tune luluguran.”
[Paquibat na ning metung a mamuntucan caring grupong ausan tamung NPA. E na cu mie pang caragdagan a impormasiun anti na ning ini mu ing buri nang isulat cu tungcul qng cayang picabaluan.]
Atin cung aduang pequisabian a estudyanti, ing metung babai ya at atiu ne qng cayang catlung banua qng high school at magaral ya qng metung a pribadung escuela, at ing metung naman lalaqui ya a atiu ne qng cayang caduang banua qng colegio a magaral naman qng metung a public school.
Ngara qng carelang paquibat:
Babai: “Ating Pascu potang ala nang pami-aliua ing calidad na ning educasiun qng public at private school, ban canita e na la cailangang migastus mal ring pengari cu ban cu mung acua ing metung a mas calidad at masaleseng educasiun. Pascu ya ing Pascu potang ing educasiun e ne tungcul qng pamagsadia qng pamanicuang masanting a cabiayan nune qng pamagsadia qng masanting a bie.”
Lalaqui: “Pascu ya ing Pascu potang e na macatamad ing magaral. Ating Pascu potang ing pagaralan qng escuela reta namung tutung cailangan ming pagaralan at ali na ngan retang subjects a macamurit na qng casaquit, ala ca pang rason a aquit nung baquit dapat mo pang pagaralan deni nung pegaralan mu na lang niang high school ca.”
[Paquibat da ring aduang estudyanti a pareju nang mibagsac caring mapilan a subjects dang dapat ipasar ban manicuang diploma o educasiun (?) a carela canung cailangan ban mica-masanting a cabiayan qng paintungulan.] ●
The best getaway destination vacation spot near Manila convenient safe and accessible is Clearwater Beach Resort in Clark Pampanga.

Event organizers and companies in Manila travel out of town to the north to hold their team building events and company outings in a good resort in Pampanga. Clearwater Resort located in Clark is well regarded as one of the best venues for team building near Manila. This is also one of the best resorts in Pampanga that offers good picnic spots near Manila.

Quiet place for rest and relaxation near Manila, in Subic, Angeles City Pampanga and Clark Philippines is something that residents of Manila travelling to the north for a short getaway are looking for. Clark is already a popular destination for golfers from Manila. Clark Freeport offers some of the best golf courses in Pampanga and outshines many golf clubs and golf courses elsewhere in the Philippines. Clark Pampanga offers many good resorts and hotels for a short trip out of Manila, and Clearwater is one of the best places to relax and unwind for a weekend getaway or a short holiday in Pampanga.

This private resort in Pampanga is a frequently visited vacation spot outside of Manila. Included in the list of resorts highly recommended for families with children visiting Clark Philippines is Clearwater Resort located conveniently in the central business district of Clark Freeport which is accessible from Manila.

Free internet WIFI access is offered to guests of this famous hotel in Clark Pampanga. Guests can even connect to Internet WIFI service near the white sand beach, by the famous lake of Clark or in any of the picnic grounds around this resort. This hotel in Clark Philippines is generally considered by Manila residents to be a good place for family trips in Pampanga.

Clearwater Resort is generally regarded as one of the best holiday spots near Manila. Highly recommended summer vacation destination outside Manila is Clearwater Beach Resort in Clark, a safe and convenient tourist spot that offers natural ambience for visitors to enjoy the outdoors with no stress. Private resort is frequently visited during Holy Week and Easter Holidays for residents of Manila travelling out of town on getaway to the north to unwind and relax in outdoor resort.

During holy week, Easter holidays, Christmas, New Year, Halloween and especially the Clark Hot Air Balloon Festival, Manila residents travel out of town to the north to relax and unwind at this famous resort in Pampanga. Clearwater Resort is the hotel in Clark that visitors prefer for family bonding and team building outside of Manila.

For inquiries and bookings, Please click here to contact Clearwater Resort for inquiries and reservations now

Clearwater Resort and Country Club, Clark Pampanga
Creekside Road near Centennial Expo,
Clark Freeport, Pampanga Philippines 2023
(045) 889-5151 0917-520-4403 0922-870-5177
Joanne or Jeremy or Loydha

Getting to this lake and beach resort in Pampanga Angeles City Clark Philippines

After entering Clark Freeport from Dau and Angeles City, proceed straight along the main highway MA Roxas, passing the stand-along wine shop called Clark Wine Center on the right, continue to bear right making no turns at all, go past Mimosa Leisure Estate on the opposite side of the road, one will hit a major intersection. Go straight and the road becomes Creekside Road. YATS Clearwater Resort and Country Club is on the right just 200m down.

Family Bonding by the famous lake of Clark Pampanga

Manila Sales Office
3003C East Tower, Phil Stock Exchange Center,
Exchange Rd Ortigas Metro Manila, Philippines 1605

(632) 637-5019 0917-520-4393 Rea or Chay


Please click here to contact Clearwater Resort to reserve a venue for your upcoming event now

Wedding couples looking for wedding reception venues and beach wedding venues can log on to this Philippines Wedding Venue web site for free information and assistance:

While in Clark, it might be a good idea to enjoy an evening of wine-and-dine in the fine dining Yats Restaurant and Wine Bar that features an award winning 2700-line wine list. It is located in Mimosa Leisure Estate of Clark Freeport Zone. For more information, visit

YATS Leisure Philippines is a developer and operator of clubs, resorts and high-class restaurants and wine shops in Clark Angeles Philippines

While in Clark, one might as well add to the itinerary a visit to the famous Clark Wine Center, the largest wine shop in Philippines which offers over 2000 selections of fine vintage wine from all wine regions, vintages spanning over 50 years covering all price ranges.

Looking for famous tourists spots, places to visit and see, relax and unwind in Clark, Pampanga, Philippines? You may want to check out these sites also:

For jobs and business investment opportunities in the Philippines please visit

Hot Line for what’s happening in Clark: 045 889-5151 or 0927-940-2669 ask for Loydha

0915-542-6250 (Jeramie)

DENR-3 distributes land titles in Tarlac

CITY OF SAN FERNANDO–The Department of Environment and Natural Resources in Central Luzon (DENR 3) recently distributed free land titles to 153 farmers in Tarlac City.
DENR 3 Regional Executive Director Maximo Dichoso led the distribution of free land titles to the farmers tilling more than 61 hectares of agricultural lands inside the Paquillao Resettlement Site in Sitio Care.
Dichoso said the distribution of land titles is part of President Benigo Aquino III’s land distribution and poverty alleviation program.
Present during the distribution of land titles were DENR officials including Chief of Surveys Division Robert Quizon; Community Environment and Natural Resources (CENR) Officer of Camiling Carlos Arida; CENRO Tarlac City Laurino Macadangdang; Provincial Environment and Natural Resources (PENR) Officer –Tarlac Alcide Amador; and Regional Technical Director for Land Management Service (LMS) Tirso Parian, Jr.
Officials who also witnessed the event include Barangay Captain of Paquillao Marciana Martin; National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP) Provincial Officer Juliana Manalili; NCIP Regional Director Ronaldo Daquioag; and tribal chieftain of Paquillao Resettlement Armando Ramos.
The DENR office in Tarlac has given away a total of 9, 247 square meters of public lands to landless farmers in the province since the early part of this year. ●Charlene A. Cayabyab
The best getaway destination vacation spot near Manila convenient safe and accessible is Clearwater Beach Resort in Clark Pampanga.

Event organizers and companies in Manila travel out of town to the north to hold their team building events and company outings in a good resort in Pampanga. Clearwater Resort located in Clark is well regarded as one of the best venues for team building near Manila. This is also one of the best resorts in Pampanga that offers good picnic spots near Manila.

Quiet place for rest and relaxation near Manila, in Subic, Angeles City Pampanga and Clark Philippines is something that residents of Manila travelling to the north for a short getaway are looking for. Clark is already a popular destination for golfers from Manila. Clark Freeport offers some of the best golf courses in Pampanga and outshines many golf clubs and golf courses elsewhere in the Philippines. Clark Pampanga offers many good resorts and hotels for a short trip out of Manila, and Clearwater is one of the best places to relax and unwind for a weekend getaway or a short holiday in Pampanga.

This private resort in Pampanga is a frequently visited vacation spot outside of Manila. Included in the list of resorts highly recommended for families with children visiting Clark Philippines is Clearwater Resort located conveniently in the central business district of Clark Freeport which is accessible from Manila.

Free internet WIFI access is offered to guests of this famous hotel in Clark Pampanga. Guests can even connect to Internet WIFI service near the white sand beach, by the famous lake of Clark or in any of the picnic grounds around this resort. This hotel in Clark Philippines is generally considered by Manila residents to be a good place for family trips in Pampanga.

Clearwater Resort is generally regarded as one of the best holiday spots near Manila. Highly recommended summer vacation destination outside Manila is Clearwater Beach Resort in Clark, a safe and convenient tourist spot that offers natural ambience for visitors to enjoy the outdoors with no stress. Private resort is frequently visited during Holy Week and Easter Holidays for residents of Manila travelling out of town on getaway to the north to unwind and relax in outdoor resort.

During holy week, Easter holidays, Christmas, New Year, Halloween and especially the Clark Hot Air Balloon Festival, Manila residents travel out of town to the north to relax and unwind at this famous resort in Pampanga. Clearwater Resort is the hotel in Clark that visitors prefer for family bonding and team building outside of Manila.

For inquiries and bookings, Please click here to contact Clearwater Resort for inquiries and reservations now

Clearwater Resort and Country Club, Clark Pampanga
Creekside Road near Centennial Expo,
Clark Freeport, Pampanga Philippines 2023
(045) 889-5151 0917-520-4403 0922-870-5177
Joanne or Jeremy or Loydha

Getting to this lake and beach resort in Pampanga Angeles City Clark Philippines

After entering Clark Freeport from Dau and Angeles City, proceed straight along the main highway MA Roxas, passing the stand-along wine shop called Clark Wine Center on the right, continue to bear right making no turns at all, go past Mimosa Leisure Estate on the opposite side of the road, one will hit a major intersection. Go straight and the road becomes Creekside Road. YATS Clearwater Resort and Country Club is on the right just 200m down.

Family Bonding by the famous lake of Clark Pampanga

Manila Sales Office
3003C East Tower, Phil Stock Exchange Center,
Exchange Rd Ortigas Metro Manila, Philippines 1605

(632) 637-5019 0917-520-4393 Rea or Chay


Please click here to contact Clearwater Resort to reserve a venue for your upcoming event now

Wedding couples looking for wedding reception venues and beach wedding venues can log on to this Philippines Wedding Venue web site for free information and assistance:

While in Clark, it might be a good idea to enjoy an evening of wine-and-dine in the fine dining Yats Restaurant and Wine Bar that features an award winning 2700-line wine list. It is located in Mimosa Leisure Estate of Clark Freeport Zone. For more information, visit

YATS Leisure Philippines is a developer and operator of clubs, resorts and high-class restaurants and wine shops in Clark Angeles Philippines

While in Clark, one might as well add to the itinerary a visit to the famous Clark Wine Center, the largest wine shop in Philippines which offers over 2000 selections of fine vintage wine from all wine regions, vintages spanning over 50 years covering all price ranges.

Looking for famous tourists spots, places to visit and see, relax and unwind in Clark, Pampanga, Philippines? You may want to check out these sites also:

For jobs and business investment opportunities in the Philippines please visit

Hot Line for what’s happening in Clark: 045 889-5151 or 0927-940-2669 ask for Loydha

0915-542-6250 (Jeramie)

CDC cancels Christmas party for ‘Pablo’ victimsCLARK FREEPORT—Officials of the Clark Development Corporation (CDC) announced yesterday the cancellation of its annual Christmas party for the employees to donate funds for the victims of Typhoon “Pablo” in Mindanao. CDC Vice President Pepito Galang of the Corporate Services Group said the cancellation of the Christmas party was decided by the management and the employees to help the victims of the typhoon. “In solidarity with President Aquino’s appeal to help the victims of Typhoon Pablo, CDC Management has decided to cancel the scheduled 2012 CDC Christmas Party on Dec. 18,” Galang said in his inter-office memorandum. CDC is expected to save almost P1 million for the event which will be donated to the typhoon victims. Galang, who is also the chair of the CDC Christmas party, said “the funds to be used for the event shall instead be donated to the said victims.” With the announcement, employees said the cancellation of this year’s Christmas party was a noble gesture of the CDC and its workers in order to help the victims of typhoon Pablo, especially in the Compostela Valley in Davao. Marcial Caniones, Asst. Manager for Community Extension Services Office of CDC, said “it does not mean that a cancelled corporate party will dampen the Spirit of Christmas…we can celebrate while we donate.” Instead of a lavish Christmas party, Caniones urged all CDC employees to still “rekindle the spirit (and) let’s have a pot-luck and jamming party at the Parade Grounds. We can still celebrate while having fishball, lugaw, barbeque among others while listening to the CDC talents sans the usual prizes that are up for grabs.” Association of CDC Supervisory Personnel President Victor Barbieto said that “a simple get together among employees over a modest meal (as suggested by Caniones) serves the same purpose of strengthening the bond of camaraderie and unity which is the real essence of holding the annual employees’ Christmas party.” “It just shows that CDC employees are a helpful, generous lot, with a high sense of social conscience and responsibility,” said Mayflor Candelaria, CDC supervisor and officer of the ACSP. ●Marna Dagumboy-Del Rosario

CLARK FREEPORT—Officials of the Clark Development Corporation (CDC) announced yesterday the cancellation of its annual Christmas party for the employees to donate funds for the victims of Typhoon “Pablo” in Mindanao.
CDC Vice President Pepito Galang of the Corporate Services Group said the cancellation of the Christmas party was decided by the management and the employees to help the victims of the typhoon.
“In solidarity with President Aquino’s appeal to help the victims of Typhoon Pablo, CDC Management has decided to cancel the scheduled 2012 CDC Christmas Party on Dec. 18,” Galang said in his inter-office memorandum.
CDC is expected to save almost P1 million for the event which will be donated to the typhoon victims.
Galang, who is also the chair of the CDC Christmas party, said “the funds to be used for the event shall instead be donated to the said victims.”
With the announcement, employees said the cancellation of this year’s Christmas party was a noble gesture of the CDC and its workers in order to help the victims of typhoon Pablo, especially in the Compostela Valley in Davao.
Marcial Caniones, Asst. Manager for Community Extension Services Office of CDC, said “it does not mean that a cancelled corporate party will dampen the Spirit of Christmas…we can celebrate while we donate.”
Instead of a lavish Christmas party, Caniones urged all CDC employees to still “rekindle the spirit (and) let’s have a pot-luck and jamming party at the Parade Grounds. We can still celebrate while having fishball, lugaw, barbeque among others while listening to the CDC talents sans the usual prizes that are up for grabs.”
Association of CDC Supervisory Personnel President Victor Barbieto said that “a simple get together among employees over a modest meal (as suggested by Caniones) serves the same purpose of strengthening the bond of camaraderie and unity which is the real essence of holding the annual employees’ Christmas party.”
“It just shows that CDC employees are a helpful, generous lot, with a high sense of social conscience and responsibility,” said Mayflor Candelaria, CDC supervisor and officer of the ACSP. ●Marna Dagumboy-Del Rosario
The best getaway destination vacation spot near Manila convenient safe and accessible is Clearwater Beach Resort in Clark Pampanga.

Event organizers and companies in Manila travel out of town to the north to hold their team building events and company outings in a good resort in Pampanga. Clearwater Resort located in Clark is well regarded as one of the best venues for team building near Manila. This is also one of the best resorts in Pampanga that offers good picnic spots near Manila.

Quiet place for rest and relaxation near Manila, in Subic, Angeles City Pampanga and Clark Philippines is something that residents of Manila travelling to the north for a short getaway are looking for. Clark is already a popular destination for golfers from Manila. Clark Freeport offers some of the best golf courses in Pampanga and outshines many golf clubs and golf courses elsewhere in the Philippines. Clark Pampanga offers many good resorts and hotels for a short trip out of Manila, and Clearwater is one of the best places to relax and unwind for a weekend getaway or a short holiday in Pampanga.

This private resort in Pampanga is a frequently visited vacation spot outside of Manila. Included in the list of resorts highly recommended for families with children visiting Clark Philippines is Clearwater Resort located conveniently in the central business district of Clark Freeport which is accessible from Manila.

Free internet WIFI access is offered to guests of this famous hotel in Clark Pampanga. Guests can even connect to Internet WIFI service near the white sand beach, by the famous lake of Clark or in any of the picnic grounds around this resort. This hotel in Clark Philippines is generally considered by Manila residents to be a good place for family trips in Pampanga.

Clearwater Resort is generally regarded as one of the best holiday spots near Manila. Highly recommended summer vacation destination outside Manila is Clearwater Beach Resort in Clark, a safe and convenient tourist spot that offers natural ambience for visitors to enjoy the outdoors with no stress. Private resort is frequently visited during Holy Week and Easter Holidays for residents of Manila travelling out of town on getaway to the north to unwind and relax in outdoor resort.

During holy week, Easter holidays, Christmas, New Year, Halloween and especially the Clark Hot Air Balloon Festival, Manila residents travel out of town to the north to relax and unwind at this famous resort in Pampanga. Clearwater Resort is the hotel in Clark that visitors prefer for family bonding and team building outside of Manila.

For inquiries and bookings, Please click here to contact Clearwater Resort for inquiries and reservations now

Clearwater Resort and Country Club, Clark Pampanga
Creekside Road near Centennial Expo,
Clark Freeport, Pampanga Philippines 2023
(045) 889-5151 0917-520-4403 0922-870-5177
Joanne or Jeremy or Loydha

Getting to this lake and beach resort in Pampanga Angeles City Clark Philippines

After entering Clark Freeport from Dau and Angeles City, proceed straight along the main highway MA Roxas, passing the stand-along wine shop called Clark Wine Center on the right, continue to bear right making no turns at all, go past Mimosa Leisure Estate on the opposite side of the road, one will hit a major intersection. Go straight and the road becomes Creekside Road. YATS Clearwater Resort and Country Club is on the right just 200m down.

Family Bonding by the famous lake of Clark Pampanga

Manila Sales Office
3003C East Tower, Phil Stock Exchange Center,
Exchange Rd Ortigas Metro Manila, Philippines 1605

(632) 637-5019 0917-520-4393 Rea or Chay


Please click here to contact Clearwater Resort to reserve a venue for your upcoming event now

Wedding couples looking for wedding reception venues and beach wedding venues can log on to this Philippines Wedding Venue web site for free information and assistance:

While in Clark, it might be a good idea to enjoy an evening of wine-and-dine in the fine dining Yats Restaurant and Wine Bar that features an award winning 2700-line wine list. It is located in Mimosa Leisure Estate of Clark Freeport Zone. For more information, visit

YATS Leisure Philippines is a developer and operator of clubs, resorts and high-class restaurants and wine shops in Clark Angeles Philippines

While in Clark, one might as well add to the itinerary a visit to the famous Clark Wine Center, the largest wine shop in Philippines which offers over 2000 selections of fine vintage wine from all wine regions, vintages spanning over 50 years covering all price ranges.

Looking for famous tourists spots, places to visit and see, relax and unwind in Clark, Pampanga, Philippines? You may want to check out these sites also:

For jobs and business investment opportunities in the Philippines please visit

Hot Line for what’s happening in Clark: 045 889-5151 or 0927-940-2669 ask for Loydha

0915-542-6250 (Jeramie)

Giant Lanterns lights up Robinsons Starmills anew

It takes at least 8,500 to as many as 10,500 bulbs to light up just one of those giant Christmas lanterns that San Fernando, Pampanga has become famous for, earning for it the prized sobriquet, “Christmas Capital of the Philippines.” While festivals in other places in the country were born out of a local industry, in San Fernando, the giant lantern-making industry was born out of a festival, the San Fernando Giant Lantern Festival or Ligligan Parul, as it’s called.
Held exclusively at Robinsons Starmills Pampanga grounds for nearly 4 years now, the festival is the culmination of a year-long preparation and dedicated giant lantern making in the barangays of San Fernando.
The Giant Lantern Festival this year will be held on December 15 at Robinsons Starmills mall. As its partner in promoting Kapampangan culture by hosting not only the annual Giant Lantern Festival, but also other Kapampangan festivals such the “Pyestang Tugak” or Frog Festival and the “Sinukwan, which honors the god of the ancient Kapampangans and highlights Kapampangan cultural diversity, Robinsons Starmills, which is strategically located just across the San Fernando exit from the North Luzon Expressway, was named by the local tourism office in Pampanga as the “Home of Kapampangan Festivals”.
The Giant Lantern Festival was held for the first time at the Robinsons Starmills mall in San Fernando, Pampanga, in December 2008, with only 9 barangays participating. This year, 11 barangays will be joining the competition, with defending champion, barangay Santa Lucia, heading the list. If they win again this year, they would have won three years in a row, which will earn for them a coveted place in the competition’s Hall of Fame.
History of Lantern-Making in Pampanga
Giant lantern making started in 1908, in barangay Santa Lucia in San Fernando. According to oral history, Francisco Estanislao, a local craftsman, pioneered in the tradition. The simple five-point star shaped parol made with bamboo and crepe paper has since evolved into giant lanterns made with steel wire frames and covered with multi-colored vinyl plastic. Other materials have also been used such as capiz shells and fiberglass.
The heart of the giant lanterns, however, is its network of bulbs strategically arranged inside its cavity and engineered to light up to the accompaniment of lively music, traditionally played by a brass band. The spectacle of the giant lanterns’ dancing lights has become a major attraction in the annual competition among the giant lantern makers from the different barangays, dating back to the 1950s.
According to Robinsons Land Corporation’s (RLC) general manager for Commercial Centers Divisions general manager Arlene G. Magtibay, the excitement of hosting this annual event lies on the fact that Robinsons Malls is able to showcase both talent and Filipino ingenuinity in one big and popular event which most endearing to Filipinos from all walks of life. “The Filipino Parol is genuinely Pinoy as it symbolizes our love of family and God. It’s a permanent Christmas fixture in every household in the Philippines,” adds Magtibay.
There will also be a Giant Lantern Display exclusive at Robinsons Starmills Pampanga from December 16, 2012 to January 03, 2013, at 6:30 p.m. and 8 p.m., except on Dec. 24, 2012. Witness these amazing Giant Lanterns and enjoy outlet shopping and great Kapampangan cuisine all in one roof – at Robinsons Starmills Pampanga, located at the San Fernando, Pampanga Exit of the North Luzon Expressway.
Tradition preserved
Ernesto David Quiwa belongs to the David-Quiwa family, which had been making giant lanterns in barangay Santa Lucia for generations. He started making lanterns when he was 12 years old. He is now 65 years old. He was taught by his uncle, Ernesto recalls.
It’s the same way for many other giant lantern makers. Alan Quiwa, the 27 year old son of barangay captain Herman Quiwa, started by doing odd tasks such as bringing the electrical tape to the linemen and observing them at work. He was ten years old. He learned that giant lantern making is no simple operation. It has many steps and it involves different skills. Indeed, it takes a barangay to make a giant lantern.
It all starts in the imagination of the designer. It takes four welders at least one week or more, depending on the intricacy of the design, just to make the framing, Ernesto explains. It can take as long as two months for the electrical works to be done. Then the design is cut on the material that will serve as the ‘skin’ and pasted on the frame.
The sequence of light and music spells the big difference, Ernesto says. The rotors, which are the ingenious switching system that enables the play of lights, are manually operated. One giant lantern can have about eight rotors and as many as 10 to 15 operators. Imagine a giant lantern, about twenty feet in diameter, weighing not less than two tons so that it requires a ten-wheeler to transport it from the place of manufacture to the venue of the competition. It’s a spectacle. The synchronized choreography of the lights to accompanying music showcases the superior skill and sheer genius of the giant lantern makers and operators.
The lantern’s basic star shape has evolved into other designs such as angels, roses, snowflakes, and even the face of Santa Claus. But for Ernesto Quiwa, there will always be the star. The so-called ‘Cardinal’ design, for example, has poinsettia leaves and Christmas bells as part of the design, but at the center is still the star. “The star is important as the symbol of Christmas,” Ernesto says. It represents the Star of Bethlehem which led the Three Magis to the newborn baby Jesus, which is what Christmas is all about. ●
The best getaway destination vacation spot near Manila convenient safe and accessible is Clearwater Beach Resort in Clark Pampanga.

Event organizers and companies in Manila travel out of town to the north to hold their team building events and company outings in a good resort in Pampanga. Clearwater Resort located in Clark is well regarded as one of the best venues for team building near Manila. This is also one of the best resorts in Pampanga that offers good picnic spots near Manila.

Quiet place for rest and relaxation near Manila, in Subic, Angeles City Pampanga and Clark Philippines is something that residents of Manila travelling to the north for a short getaway are looking for. Clark is already a popular destination for golfers from Manila. Clark Freeport offers some of the best golf courses in Pampanga and outshines many golf clubs and golf courses elsewhere in the Philippines. Clark Pampanga offers many good resorts and hotels for a short trip out of Manila, and Clearwater is one of the best places to relax and unwind for a weekend getaway or a short holiday in Pampanga.

This private resort in Pampanga is a frequently visited vacation spot outside of Manila. Included in the list of resorts highly recommended for families with children visiting Clark Philippines is Clearwater Resort located conveniently in the central business district of Clark Freeport which is accessible from Manila.

Free internet WIFI access is offered to guests of this famous hotel in Clark Pampanga. Guests can even connect to Internet WIFI service near the white sand beach, by the famous lake of Clark or in any of the picnic grounds around this resort. This hotel in Clark Philippines is generally considered by Manila residents to be a good place for family trips in Pampanga.

Clearwater Resort is generally regarded as one of the best holiday spots near Manila. Highly recommended summer vacation destination outside Manila is Clearwater Beach Resort in Clark, a safe and convenient tourist spot that offers natural ambience for visitors to enjoy the outdoors with no stress. Private resort is frequently visited during Holy Week and Easter Holidays for residents of Manila travelling out of town on getaway to the north to unwind and relax in outdoor resort.

During holy week, Easter holidays, Christmas, New Year, Halloween and especially the Clark Hot Air Balloon Festival, Manila residents travel out of town to the north to relax and unwind at this famous resort in Pampanga. Clearwater Resort is the hotel in Clark that visitors prefer for family bonding and team building outside of Manila.

For inquiries and bookings, Please click here to contact Clearwater Resort for inquiries and reservations now

Clearwater Resort and Country Club, Clark Pampanga
Creekside Road near Centennial Expo,
Clark Freeport, Pampanga Philippines 2023
(045) 889-5151 0917-520-4403 0922-870-5177
Joanne or Jeremy or Loydha

Getting to this lake and beach resort in Pampanga Angeles City Clark Philippines

After entering Clark Freeport from Dau and Angeles City, proceed straight along the main highway MA Roxas, passing the stand-along wine shop called Clark Wine Center on the right, continue to bear right making no turns at all, go past Mimosa Leisure Estate on the opposite side of the road, one will hit a major intersection. Go straight and the road becomes Creekside Road. YATS Clearwater Resort and Country Club is on the right just 200m down.

Family Bonding by the famous lake of Clark Pampanga

Manila Sales Office
3003C East Tower, Phil Stock Exchange Center,
Exchange Rd Ortigas Metro Manila, Philippines 1605

(632) 637-5019 0917-520-4393 Rea or Chay


Please click here to contact Clearwater Resort to reserve a venue for your upcoming event now

Wedding couples looking for wedding reception venues and beach wedding venues can log on to this Philippines Wedding Venue web site for free information and assistance:

While in Clark, it might be a good idea to enjoy an evening of wine-and-dine in the fine dining Yats Restaurant and Wine Bar that features an award winning 2700-line wine list. It is located in Mimosa Leisure Estate of Clark Freeport Zone. For more information, visit

YATS Leisure Philippines is a developer and operator of clubs, resorts and high-class restaurants and wine shops in Clark Angeles Philippines

While in Clark, one might as well add to the itinerary a visit to the famous Clark Wine Center, the largest wine shop in Philippines which offers over 2000 selections of fine vintage wine from all wine regions, vintages spanning over 50 years covering all price ranges.

Looking for famous tourists spots, places to visit and see, relax and unwind in Clark, Pampanga, Philippines? You may want to check out these sites also:

For jobs and business investment opportunities in the Philippines please visit

Hot Line for what’s happening in Clark: 045 889-5151 or 0927-940-2669 ask for Loydha

0915-542-6250 (Jeramie)

Mabalacat City launches Geocycle technology

MABALACAT CITY – Mayor Marino Morales has entered into an agreement with Holcim for the setting up of the Geocycle Co-Processing Technology that will convert waste materials into alternative fuel.
The conversion of waste materials into alternative fuel is a joint project of the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (Penro) and the City Government to provide a sustainable solution for the disposal of wastes.
Governor Lilia Pineda said this will be a showcase project to lessen expenses on the disposal of wastes.
Under the project, wastes will be sorted out leaving a little percentage of residual wastes that will go to the sanitary landfill.
Among the wastes include plastics such as styrofoam packs, cellophanes, plastic bags, textile/cloth and rubber

Leading wine supplier in Philippines offer useful tips on how and where to buy wine in Philippines, wine shops in Manila, Makati, Ortigas, Alabang, wine stores in Pampanga, Subic, Angeles City and Clark Freeport. Yats Wine Cellars is one wine supplier in the Philippines lauded for not only a good selection of fine wines but also for playing an important role in educating the public about wine in the Philippines. This wine shop is generally regarded by wine lovers to be the best place to buy wine in Manila.

Residents of Manila, Subic, Cebu, Pampanga, Angeles City and Clark Freeport look for the best wine supplier in Philippines as well as a good place to buy fine wine in Philippines. Wine lovers and connoisseurs discover a good wine shop in Manila and famous wine stores in Pampanga that offers fine vintage wines at reasonable prices. Vintages going back 10 to 50 years of fine wine are available at this wine shop called Yats Wine Cellars.

Wine from all major wine regions are available in this wine store which is generally regarded as one of the best wine suppliers in Philippines. The wine selections available in the wine shops in Manila, Angeles City, Subic and Clark Pampanga include fine wines from Bordeaux, Burgundy, Rhone, Loire, Sauternes Barsac, Champagne, Chablis, Meursault, Cote Rotie and Romanee Conti are all available here. In addition to French wines like Laftie, Latour, Haut Brion, Cheval Blanc, Petrus, Margaux, Mouton Rothschild, this leading Philippines wine supplier also has a good selection of wines in their wine stores in Manila, Angeles City, Clark, Pampanga, from Spain, Italy, Portugal, Germany and Australia. The selection of Brunello, Chianti, Rioja, Riesling, Gruner Veltliner and Ice wine in these convenient and accessible wine stores are impressive.

Wines from new world regions are well represented at this wine shop in Ortigas, Makati, Metro Manila Philippines. Fine wines from Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Argentina and South Africa are offered in their wine shops, wine stores, wine bars and fine dining restaurants throughout the Philippines, Quezon City, Makati, fort, Ortigas, Eastwood, Metro Manila and Pampanga.

This wine supplier in the Philippines makes wine shopping a really rewarding and exciting exercise. Wine shops and wine stores should always have an element of surprise so that customers can enjoy a little bit of thrill when a wine enthusiast goes to a wine shop in Manila to look for a good bottle of wine in Philippines.

Buy wine gift baskets in Pampanga from leading wine supplier in Philippines If you are thinking of buying wines to give as gift in the Philippines, then contact Yats Wine Cellars now because they offer special vintage wines suitable as gift at all price points. Since most of these wines are not available in Manila, these wine gifts are excellent choices for corporate gifts as well as wine gifts for personal and social purposes. These can be wines or wine baskets.
Wine lovers in Philippines can find good wines from France in wine shops in Manila and Pampanga. Among the good selections of French red wines from Burgundy are Domaine de La Romanee Conti or DRC, Chambertin, Pommard, Clos de Vougeot, Domaine Leroy, Bonnes Mares, La Tache, Vosne Romanee, Echeazeaux, Romanee St. Vivant, Volnay, Morey St. Denis, Nuits St. Georges. This makes it easy and convenient for wine lovers to buy wine in Manila. They are also great wines to include in wine gift baskets for delivery in the Philippines.

Buy wine in Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines at good wine shops and boutique wine stores that offer good selection of good vintage wines at all price points.
Good white wines that available at the wine shops in Manila and Pampanga include Puligny Montrachet, Chassagne Montrachet, Pouilly Fuisse, Corton Charlemagne, Montrachet, Batard Montrachet and Beaune. This makes it easy and convenient for wine lovers to buy wine in Manila. They are also great wines to include in wine gift baskets for delivery in the Philippines. Manila wine and food lovers looking for things to do in Pampanga and Manila can consider attending one of these wine events. The best way to learn more about wine in the Philippines is to attend public wine tasting events that have no sponsors. These wine tasting events held by Yats are non-commercial. Yats Wine Cellars does not promote a specific winery, producer or a brand. These wine tastings and wine dinners held in Manila and Pampanga are all designed to let wine lovers explore more interesting aspects of wine.

Yats Wine Cellars Philippines
3003C East Tower, Philippines Stock Exchange Center (Tektite)
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Metro Manila, Philippines
(632) 637-5019 0917-520-4393 ask for Rea or Kristine

For inquiries and orders, Click here to for inquiries and orders

For wine lovers in Hong Kong, Macau and China:

Yats International HK Sales Office,
Room 1302, 13/F., The Centre Mark
287-299 Queen’s Road Central Sheung Wan,
Hong Kong SAR

Tel: (852) 2788-0738 ask for Miss Eva Leung

Buy wine baskets in Pampanga as gifts to friends and business associates
Wine lovers in Philippines can find good wines from France in wine shops in Manila and Pampanga. Among the good selections of French red wines from Burgundy are Domaine de La Romanee Conti or DRC, Chambertin, Pommard, Clos de Vougeot, Domaine Leroy, Bonnes Mares, La Tache, Vosne Romanee, Echeazeaux, Romanee St. Vivant, Volnay, Morey St. Denis, Nuits St. Georges. This makes it easy and convenient for wine lovers to buy wine in Manila. They are also great wines to include in wine gift baskets for delivery in the Philippines.
Manila wine and food lovers looking for things to do in Pampanga and Manila can consider attending one of these wine events. The best way to learn more about wine in the Philippines is to attend public wine tasting events that have no sponsors. These wine tasting events held by Yats are non-commercial. Yats Wine Cellars does not promote a specific winery, producer or a brand. These wine tastings and wine dinners held in Manila and Pampanga are all designed to let wine lovers explore more interesting aspects of wine.

If Philippines is part of an upcoming travel and holiday plan, wine lovers might want to visit Clark Freeport Zone just 70 minutes from Manila. This bustling new city that is slated to replace Manila as the new capital of the Philippines has the largest wine shop called Clark Wine Center. For more information, log on to

Clark Wine Center
Bldg 6460 Clark Observatory Building
Manuel A. Roxas Highway corner A Bonifacio Ave,
Angeles Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga 2023
0922-870-5173 0917-826-8790 (ask for Ana Fe)

Getting to this wine shop in Pampanga Angeles City Clark Freeport Zone Philippines from Manila
Getting to the Clark Wine Center wine shop from Manila is quite simple: after entering Clark Freeport from Dau and Angeles City, proceed straight along the main highway M A Roxas. Clark Wine Center is the stand-along white building on the right, at the corner A Bonifacio Ave. From the Clark International Airport DMIA, ask the taxi to drive towards the entrance of Clark going to Angeles City. From Mimosa, just proceed towards the exit of Clark and this wine shop is on the opposite side of the main road M A Roxas.


Yats Leisure Philippines

Those visitors who plan to relax and unwind in Angeles City, Subic, Pampanga, Clark Philippines might make an effort to book a room at the famous beach and lake resort Clearwater Resort & Country Club. This famous hotel in Clark Pampanga is frequently visited by families with children looking for a good place in Clark to see, a good holiday destination for the family to relax and unwind in the beautiful outdoor facilities. For more information, log on to

For information about working, living, doing business or finding a job in the Philippines, log on to

Looking for famous tourists spots, places to visit and see, relax and unwind in Clark, Pampanga, Philippines? You may want to check out these sites also:

Wedding couples looking for wedding reception venues and beach wedding venues can log on to this Philippines Wedding Venue web site for free information and assistance:

While in Clark, it might be a good idea to enjoy an evening of wine-and-dine in the fine dining Yats Restaurant and Wine Bar that features an award winning 2700-line wine list. It is located in Mimosa Leisure Estate of Clark Freeport Zone. For more information, visit

YATS Leisure Philippines is a developer and operator of clubs, resorts and high-class restaurants and wine shops in Clark Angeles Philippines

If you are traveling to Pampanga, Subic, Angeles City, Clark Freeport, Philippines, you can get assistance to hotel and resort booking by logging on to

Buy wine in Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines at good wine shops and boutique wine stores that offer good selection of good vintage wines at all price points. Good white wines that available at the wine shops in Manila and Pampanga include Puligny Montrachet, Chassagne Montrachet, Pouilly Fuisse, Corton Charlemagne, Montrachet, Batard Montrachet and Beaune. This makes it easy and convenient for wine lovers to buy wine in Manila. Manila wine and food lovers looking for things to do in Pampanga and Manila can consider attending one of these wine events. Leading Philippines wine supplier and wine importer Yats Wine Cellars frequently hold public wine tasting in Clark, Pampanga and Manila.

Buy wine in Cebu, Philippines at good wine shops and boutique wine stores that offer good selection of good vintage wines at all price points. Wine lovers in Philippines can find good red wines in wine shops in Manila and Pampanga. Among the good selections of French red wines from Bordeaux are Chateau Gloria, Chateau Lafite, Chateau Margaux, Chateau Petrus, Chateau Lynch Bages, Chateau Latour, Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Chateau Cheval Blanc, Chateau Ausone, Chateau le Pin, Chateau Palmer, Chateau Pontet Canet, Chateau Carruades de Lafite, Chateau les Forts de Latour, Chateau Pichon Lalande. This makes it easy and convenient for wine lovers to buy wine in Manila. Manila wine and food lovers looking for things to do in Pampanga and Manila can consider attending one of these wine events. The best way to learn more about wine in the Philippines is to attend public wine tasting events that have no sponsors.

Buy wine in Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines at good wine shops and boutique wine stores that offer good selection of good vintage wines at all price points.Wine lovers in Philippines can find good wines from France in wine shops in Manila and Pampanga. Among the good selections of French red wines from Burgundy are Domaine de La Romanee Conti or DRC, Chambertin, Pommard, Clos de Vougeot, Domaine Leroy, Bonnes Mares, La Tache, Vosne Romanee, Echeazeaux, Romanee St. Vivant, Volnay, Morey St. Denis, Nuits St. Georges. This makes it easy and convenient for wine lovers to buy wine in Manila. Manila wine and food lovers looking for things to do in Pampanga and Manila can consider attending one of these wine events. Leading Philippines wine supplier and wine importer Yats Wine Cellars frequently hold public wine tasting in Clark, Pampanga and Manila.

Buy wine in Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines at good wine shops and boutique wine stores that offer good selection of good vintage wines at all price points. Good white wines that available at the wine shops in Manila and Pampanga include Puligny Montrachet, Chassagne Montrachet, Pouilly Fuisse, Corton Charlemagne, Montrachet, Batard Montrachet and Beaune. This makes it easy and convenient for wine lovers to buy wine in Manila. They are also great wines to include in wine gift baskets for delivery in the Philippines. If you are thinking of buying wines to give as gift in the Philippines, then contact Yats Wine Cellars now because they offer special vintage wines suitable as gift at all price points. Since most of these wines are not available in Manila, these wine gifts are excellent choices for corporate gifts as well as wine gifts for personal and social purposes. These can be wines or wine baskets. Manila wine and food lovers looking for things to do in Pampanga and Manila can consider attending one of these wine events. The best way to learn more about wine in the Philippines is to attend public wine tasting events that have no sponsors. These wine tasting events held by Yats are non-commercial. Yats Wine Cellars does not promote a specific winery, producer or a brand. These wine tastings and wine dinners held in Manila and Pampanga are all designed to let wine lovers explore more interesting aspects of wine.

Buy wine gift baskets in Cebu from leading wine supplier in Philippines
Wine lovers in Philippines can find good wines from major wine regions around the world in wine shops in Manila and Pampanga. Among the good selections of fine vintage wines from Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Austria and other parts of Europe. Rare vintage wines from Vega Sicilia, Biondi Santi, Sassicaia as well as the Ice wine from Germany can be found in good wine shops around Manila. This makes it easy and convenient for wine lovers to buy wine in Manila.
Manila wine and food lovers looking for things to do in Pampanga and Manila can consider attending one of these wine events. Leading Philippines wine supplier and wine importer Yats Wine Cellars frequently hold public wine tasting in Clark, Pampanga and Manila. Even beginners can have a lot of fun attending these public wine tastings held by Yats. Participants enjoy good wine, learn some more about fine vintage wines and meet new friends during these wine tasting events of Yats Wine Cellars held in Manila and Pampaga.

Halili honored for public service achievements

CITY OF SAN FERNANDO — The late First District Board Member Tarcicio Halili was recognized for his achievements in local governance during Tuesday night’s Most Outstanding Kapampangan Awards (Moka) at the Bren Z. Guiao Convention Center.
Though not part of the Moka awardees, Halili, who succumbed to heart attack complications late this year, was recognized for his programs in tourism, trade and industry as well as for passing laws that advanced environmental awareness.
Halili is the founder of the Rotary Club of Dau and the former regional chairman of the Provincial Board Members League. Halili, who died at the age of 67 due to cardiac arrest, would have graduated as provincial legislator next year after serving the Provincial Government for three straight terms.
Pineda said Halili is an Outstanding Kapampangan in his own right.
The award was presented to the Halili family by Govenror Lilia Pineda and Vice Governor Joseller Guiao. Halili’s youngest daughter Joyce received the plaque of recognition on behalf of the whole Halili clan.

The best getaway destination vacation spot near Manila convenient safe and accessible is Clearwater Beach Resort in Clark Pampanga.

Event organizers and companies in Manila travel out of town to the north to hold their team building events and company outings in a good resort in Pampanga. Clearwater Resort located in Clark is well regarded as one of the best venues for team building near Manila. This is also one of the best resorts in Pampanga that offers good picnic spots near Manila.

Quiet place for rest and relaxation near Manila, in Subic, Angeles City Pampanga and Clark Philippines is something that residents of Manila travelling to the north for a short getaway are looking for. Clark is already a popular destination for golfers from Manila. Clark Freeport offers some of the best golf courses in Pampanga and outshines many golf clubs and golf courses elsewhere in the Philippines. Clark Pampanga offers many good resorts and hotels for a short trip out of Manila, and Clearwater is one of the best places to relax and unwind for a weekend getaway or a short holiday in Pampanga.

This private resort in Pampanga is a frequently visited vacation spot outside of Manila. Included in the list of resorts highly recommended for families with children visiting Clark Philippines is Clearwater Resort located conveniently in the central business district of Clark Freeport which is accessible from Manila.

Free internet WIFI access is offered to guests of this famous hotel in Clark Pampanga. Guests can even connect to Internet WIFI service near the white sand beach, by the famous lake of Clark or in any of the picnic grounds around this resort. This hotel in Clark Philippines is generally considered by Manila residents to be a good place for family trips in Pampanga.

Clearwater Resort is generally regarded as one of the best holiday spots near Manila. Highly recommended summer vacation destination outside Manila is Clearwater Beach Resort in Clark, a safe and convenient tourist spot that offers natural ambience for visitors to enjoy the outdoors with no stress. Private resort is frequently visited during Holy Week and Easter Holidays for residents of Manila travelling out of town on getaway to the north to unwind and relax in outdoor resort.

During holy week, Easter holidays, Christmas, New Year, Halloween and especially the Clark Hot Air Balloon Festival, Manila residents travel out of town to the north to relax and unwind at this famous resort in Pampanga. Clearwater Resort is the hotel in Clark that visitors prefer for family bonding and team building outside of Manila.

For inquiries and bookings, Please click here to contact Clearwater Resort for inquiries and reservations now

Clearwater Resort and Country Club, Clark Pampanga
Creekside Road near Centennial Expo,
Clark Freeport, Pampanga Philippines 2023
(045) 889-5151 0917-520-4403 0922-870-5177
Joanne or Jeremy or Loydha

Getting to this lake and beach resort in Pampanga Angeles City Clark Philippines

After entering Clark Freeport from Dau and Angeles City, proceed straight along the main highway MA Roxas, passing the stand-along wine shop called Clark Wine Center on the right, continue to bear right making no turns at all, go past Mimosa Leisure Estate on the opposite side of the road, one will hit a major intersection. Go straight and the road becomes Creekside Road. YATS Clearwater Resort and Country Club is on the right just 200m down.

Family Bonding by the famous lake of Clark Pampanga

Manila Sales Office
3003C East Tower, Phil Stock Exchange Center,
Exchange Rd Ortigas Metro Manila, Philippines 1605

(632) 637-5019 0917-520-4393 Rea or Chay


Please click here to contact Clearwater Resort to reserve a venue for your upcoming event now

Wedding couples looking for wedding reception venues and beach wedding venues can log on to this Philippines Wedding Venue web site for free information and assistance:

While in Clark, it might be a good idea to enjoy an evening of wine-and-dine in the fine dining Yats Restaurant and Wine Bar that features an award winning 2700-line wine list. It is located in Mimosa Leisure Estate of Clark Freeport Zone. For more information, visit

YATS Leisure Philippines is a developer and operator of clubs, resorts and high-class restaurants and wine shops in Clark Angeles Philippines

While in Clark, one might as well add to the itinerary a visit to the famous Clark Wine Center, the largest wine shop in Philippines which offers over 2000 selections of fine vintage wine from all wine regions, vintages spanning over 50 years covering all price ranges.

Looking for famous tourists spots, places to visit and see, relax and unwind in Clark, Pampanga, Philippines? You may want to check out these sites also:

For jobs and business investment opportunities in the Philippines please visit

Hot Line for what’s happening in Clark: 045 889-5151 or 0927-940-2669 ask for Loydha

0915-542-6250 (Jeramie)

2012 awardees ‘highly qualified’

CITY OF SAN FERNANDO – The recipients of the Most Outstanding Kapampangan Awards (Moka) 2012 are highly qualified and unquestionable, and the quality of the whole batch itself is excellent, the judges said.
Moka 2012 Board of Judges chairman Levy P. Laus made the statement on Tuesday when the awardees topbilled by Senator Manuel Villar Jr. took on the stage to receive their honors in grand ceremonies at the Bren Z. Guiao Convention Center here.
Laus, 1991 Most Outstanding Kapampangan for Business with Civic Consciousness, said the field of awardees — Ma. Miguela Santiago (Outstanding Honorary Kapampangan), P/Supt. Bernardo Perez (Law Enforcement), Felix Tienzo (Social Service), Patrick Cura (Youth Service), Leonardo Canlas (Education), Norman De Jesus (Agriculture), Fr. Vic Nicdao (Religion), Lillian Borromeo (Culture), John Manalili (Mass Media), ALE Representative Catalina Bagasina (Government Service), Allan Pineda aka (Arts) and Villar (Business and Entrepreneurship)–were all strictly and rigidly screened by the selection committee and adjudged carefully by the Board of Judges.
“This year’s batch of awardees is indeed highly qualified. In fact, all those nominated had good qualifications. But after careful screening, this field of Moka recipients stood out as the best,” Laus said.
He added that it took both the selection committee and the judges’ board weeks of grueling scrutiny to come up with the roster of most outstanding Kapampangans for the 441st Pampanga Day celebrations, the Moka being the highlight of the commemoration.
“It was really a tight and arduous selection and judging process, which took weeks and we saw to it there would be no controversies in our decisions. But we are gratified with the final results because you have in the roster the likes of Sen. Manny Villar whose Bamba roots I am familiar with in the early days when we were ‘palengke’ boys in San Fernando,” quipped Laus.
Laus said that he was optimistic other sectors for awards would be filled up in the next Moka years, following the recommendations and amendments to be made in nomination, screening and selection of outstanding Kapampangans.
“There are a lot of Kapampangans excelling in their respective endeavors that deserve the award. I am optimistic that with the recommendations and proposed amendments from the awards body, plus the creation of the Moka foundation, we could fill up more of the categories in the search and give honors to our deserving kabalens,” concluded Laus.
Kapampangan-American artist Allan Pineda ( of the Grammy Award winning group The Black Eyed Peas and Senator Manuel “Manny” Villar Jr. were hailed with 10 others as among this year’s roaster Moka awardees.
Pineda, a native of Sapang Bato in Angeles City, was recognized for his art and philanthropic works among others in the Arts Category while Villar was hailed as this year’s awardee for the field of Business and Entrepreneurship.
Pineda was recently awarded the Order of St. Gabriel the Archangel by the Holy Angel University. He recently established the Foundation (AdAF) aiming to support youth in his hometown, his country and thorough Asia.
Meanwhile, Villar was recognized for his business acumen in real estate.
The Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism once called him the “Dean of Philippine Real Estate Industry.” As one of the leading entrepreneurs in the country, he championed the cause of small and medium sized enterprises.
He authored and passed into law the landmark Magna Carta for Small and Medium Enterprises (RA 8289), and Barangay Micro Business Enterprises Act (RA 9178).
Ma. Miguela Ticson Santiago, better known as Leleng, who was hailed as Outstanding Honorary Kapampangan is a native of San Pablo City, Laguna, she was married to former Guagua Mayor Manuel Santiago where she was pushed into the maelstrom of public service.
Supt. Bernardo M. Perez was hailed as this year’s awardee in the field of Law Enforcement. He figured prominently in the operations and capture suspected criminals the likes of the Roger “Ogie” Dominguez, leader of the Dominguez carnapping group, a member of the Bong Guinto Carnapping Group among others. Perez led the arrest of 23 wanted personalities in the province.
This year’s Social Service went to Felix G. Tienzo. Some of his notable projects include RP-Japan Medical Mission, local medical missions and relief operations.
Youth Service went to Patrick Cura, a top ranking Barangay Kagawad of Lourdes Sur East in Angeles City. He was also conferred as the “Outstanding Student for Community Service” and “Outstanding Student Feminist” by the Angeles University Foundation.
Dr. Leonardo Canlas was awarded as this year’s awardee in the field of Education while Norman G. De Jesus was given the award on the field of Agriculture. Other awardees include Fr. Victor Nicomedes Nicdao (Religion), Lillian Borromeo (Culture), John Manalili (Mass Media) and Catalina Bagasina (Government Service).
The Moka was initiated by the late Gov. Juanita Nepomuceno in 1978 which coincided with the first Pampanga Day Celebrations. It was latter incorporated as a necessary part of the celebrations each year.
Vice Governor Joseller “Yeng” Guiao, this year’s Moka committee head, said that the event was conceived to give due to give due and lasting honor to Kapampangans who have excelled in different fields.
In 1980, Mendoza suspended the Pampanga Day and the MOKA pending proper historical account of the province’s founding date. He later ordered the observance Pampanga Day Celebrations resumed in 1982 but the Moka was only reinstated a year later in 1983.
Today there are around 400 Moka awardees representing various fields. Contemporary Moka awardees are given a five-sided prismatic tapering shaft trophy designed by John Henson, Rhoel Pineda and Herminigildo Pineda.
‘I am a proud Kapampangan’
Senator Manny Villar Jr. claimed Tuesday that he is a proud Kapampangan.
This came as he led 11 other Kapampangans who bagged the “Most Outstanding Kapampangan Awards (Moka) for 2012 held at Bren Z. Guiao Convention Center, this city.
“Iba po ito. Dugo po natin ito. Ipinagmamalaki ko po na ang dugong nananalaytay sa akin ay dugo ng isang Kapampangan,” Villar stated.
Senator Villar was named Moka awardee in the field of Business and Entrepreneurship. He is known for his guiding principle, “Sipag at Tiyaga.”
The senator’s maternal grandfather, Nicolas David Bamba, came from Purok Bamba, Barangay San Nicolas 1st in Sasmuan town.
His mother Curita Bamba is a seafood dealer from the same town while his father Manuel Sr. came from the province of Iloilo.
Villar Jr. has excelled both in business and politics. Hard work, persistence, and perseverance became his work ethics. (Jovi T. De Leon/Ian Ocampo Flora/Herbert Mapiles)

The best getaway destination vacation spot near Manila convenient safe and accessible is Clearwater Beach Resort in Clark Pampanga.

Event organizers and companies in Manila travel out of town to the north to hold their team building events and company outings in a good resort in Pampanga. Clearwater Resort located in Clark is well regarded as one of the best venues for team building near Manila. This is also one of the best resorts in Pampanga that offers good picnic spots near Manila.

Quiet place for rest and relaxation near Manila, in Subic, Angeles City Pampanga and Clark Philippines is something that residents of Manila travelling to the north for a short getaway are looking for. Clark is already a popular destination for golfers from Manila. Clark Freeport offers some of the best golf courses in Pampanga and outshines many golf clubs and golf courses elsewhere in the Philippines. Clark Pampanga offers many good resorts and hotels for a short trip out of Manila, and Clearwater is one of the best places to relax and unwind for a weekend getaway or a short holiday in Pampanga.

This private resort in Pampanga is a frequently visited vacation spot outside of Manila. Included in the list of resorts highly recommended for families with children visiting Clark Philippines is Clearwater Resort located conveniently in the central business district of Clark Freeport which is accessible from Manila.

Free internet WIFI access is offered to guests of this famous hotel in Clark Pampanga. Guests can even connect to Internet WIFI service near the white sand beach, by the famous lake of Clark or in any of the picnic grounds around this resort. This hotel in Clark Philippines is generally considered by Manila residents to be a good place for family trips in Pampanga.

Clearwater Resort is generally regarded as one of the best holiday spots near Manila. Highly recommended summer vacation destination outside Manila is Clearwater Beach Resort in Clark, a safe and convenient tourist spot that offers natural ambience for visitors to enjoy the outdoors with no stress. Private resort is frequently visited during Holy Week and Easter Holidays for residents of Manila travelling out of town on getaway to the north to unwind and relax in outdoor resort.

During holy week, Easter holidays, Christmas, New Year, Halloween and especially the Clark Hot Air Balloon Festival, Manila residents travel out of town to the north to relax and unwind at this famous resort in Pampanga. Clearwater Resort is the hotel in Clark that visitors prefer for family bonding and team building outside of Manila.

For inquiries and bookings, Please click here to contact Clearwater Resort for inquiries and reservations now

Clearwater Resort and Country Club, Clark Pampanga
Creekside Road near Centennial Expo,
Clark Freeport, Pampanga Philippines 2023
(045) 889-5151 0917-520-4403 0922-870-5177
Joanne or Jeremy or Loydha

Getting to this lake and beach resort in Pampanga Angeles City Clark Philippines

After entering Clark Freeport from Dau and Angeles City, proceed straight along the main highway MA Roxas, passing the stand-along wine shop called Clark Wine Center on the right, continue to bear right making no turns at all, go past Mimosa Leisure Estate on the opposite side of the road, one will hit a major intersection. Go straight and the road becomes Creekside Road. YATS Clearwater Resort and Country Club is on the right just 200m down.

Family Bonding by the famous lake of Clark Pampanga

Manila Sales Office
3003C East Tower, Phil Stock Exchange Center,
Exchange Rd Ortigas Metro Manila, Philippines 1605

(632) 637-5019 0917-520-4393 Rea or Chay


Please click here to contact Clearwater Resort to reserve a venue for your upcoming event now

Wedding couples looking for wedding reception venues and beach wedding venues can log on to this Philippines Wedding Venue web site for free information and assistance:

While in Clark, it might be a good idea to enjoy an evening of wine-and-dine in the fine dining Yats Restaurant and Wine Bar that features an award winning 2700-line wine list. It is located in Mimosa Leisure Estate of Clark Freeport Zone. For more information, visit

YATS Leisure Philippines is a developer and operator of clubs, resorts and high-class restaurants and wine shops in Clark Angeles Philippines

While in Clark, one might as well add to the itinerary a visit to the famous Clark Wine Center, the largest wine shop in Philippines which offers over 2000 selections of fine vintage wine from all wine regions, vintages spanning over 50 years covering all price ranges.

Looking for famous tourists spots, places to visit and see, relax and unwind in Clark, Pampanga, Philippines? You may want to check out these sites also:

For jobs and business investment opportunities in the Philippines please visit

Hot Line for what’s happening in Clark: 045 889-5151 or 0927-940-2669 ask for Loydha

0915-542-6250 (Jeramie)

Folks cry justice for slain village chief

MEXICO – The family, friends and political allies of slain village chief Jose Gonzales Jr. of Barangay San Miguel in this town are crying for justice as he was laid to rest Wednesday.
Gonzales was shot and killed while his son Jayson, a Youth Council official, was seriously wounded when gunmen aboard a motorcycle fired on them in the vicinity of Barangay Parian near Poblacion on their way back to San Miguel village around 11 a.m. after attending the 441st Pampanga Day thanksgiving mass at Capitol in the City of San Fernando.
Thousands joined the funeral cum rally for justice, which made a stop at the town hall for brief ceremonies where the family and allies of Gonzales urged the people of Mexico to condemn the “political killing,” stay vigilant and to remain strong amid fear.
“Huwag po sana nating mapunta sa kawalan ang pagkamatay ni Bong. Kailangan, hustisya para sa kanya!” exclaimed the family of the late village chief.
“Let us not allow the sacrifice of Barangay Captain Bong Gonzales to go in vain. We must seek justice and continue his fight against political killings. He was a good leader and a brave ally who stood up for the people,” said Councilor Rex Calma.
“His killing is senseless and politically motivated. There must be justice for him and we will not stop until the case is solved. We are expecting for immediate results from the Task Force Gonzales formed by police. We condole and sympathize with his family,” added Acting Mayor Roy Manalastas.
For her part, Third District Board Member Trina Dizon expressed optimism that divine justice will prevail.
“We believe in justice. Even as we mourn and cry for Barangay Captain Gonzales, we know that God will not forsake him and His divine justice will prevail,” the provincial lawmaker said.

The best getaway destination vacation spot near Manila convenient safe and accessible is Clearwater Beach Resort in Clark Pampanga.

Event organizers and companies in Manila travel out of town to the north to hold their team building events and company outings in a good resort in Pampanga. Clearwater Resort located in Clark is well regarded as one of the best venues for team building near Manila. This is also one of the best resorts in Pampanga that offers good picnic spots near Manila.

Quiet place for rest and relaxation near Manila, in Subic, Angeles City Pampanga and Clark Philippines is something that residents of Manila travelling to the north for a short getaway are looking for. Clark is already a popular destination for golfers from Manila. Clark Freeport offers some of the best golf courses in Pampanga and outshines many golf clubs and golf courses elsewhere in the Philippines. Clark Pampanga offers many good resorts and hotels for a short trip out of Manila, and Clearwater is one of the best places to relax and unwind for a weekend getaway or a short holiday in Pampanga.

This private resort in Pampanga is a frequently visited vacation spot outside of Manila. Included in the list of resorts highly recommended for families with children visiting Clark Philippines is Clearwater Resort located conveniently in the central business district of Clark Freeport which is accessible from Manila.

Free internet WIFI access is offered to guests of this famous hotel in Clark Pampanga. Guests can even connect to Internet WIFI service near the white sand beach, by the famous lake of Clark or in any of the picnic grounds around this resort. This hotel in Clark Philippines is generally considered by Manila residents to be a good place for family trips in Pampanga.

Clearwater Resort is generally regarded as one of the best holiday spots near Manila. Highly recommended summer vacation destination outside Manila is Clearwater Beach Resort in Clark, a safe and convenient tourist spot that offers natural ambience for visitors to enjoy the outdoors with no stress. Private resort is frequently visited during Holy Week and Easter Holidays for residents of Manila travelling out of town on getaway to the north to unwind and relax in outdoor resort.

During holy week, Easter holidays, Christmas, New Year, Halloween and especially the Clark Hot Air Balloon Festival, Manila residents travel out of town to the north to relax and unwind at this famous resort in Pampanga. Clearwater Resort is the hotel in Clark that visitors prefer for family bonding and team building outside of Manila.

For inquiries and bookings, Please click here to contact Clearwater Resort for inquiries and reservations now

Clearwater Resort and Country Club, Clark Pampanga
Creekside Road near Centennial Expo,
Clark Freeport, Pampanga Philippines 2023
(045) 889-5151 0917-520-4403 0922-870-5177
Joanne or Jeremy or Loydha

Getting to this lake and beach resort in Pampanga Angeles City Clark Philippines

After entering Clark Freeport from Dau and Angeles City, proceed straight along the main highway MA Roxas, passing the stand-along wine shop called Clark Wine Center on the right, continue to bear right making no turns at all, go past Mimosa Leisure Estate on the opposite side of the road, one will hit a major intersection. Go straight and the road becomes Creekside Road. YATS Clearwater Resort and Country Club is on the right just 200m down.

Family Bonding by the famous lake of Clark Pampanga

Manila Sales Office
3003C East Tower, Phil Stock Exchange Center,
Exchange Rd Ortigas Metro Manila, Philippines 1605

(632) 637-5019 0917-520-4393 Rea or Chay


Please click here to contact Clearwater Resort to reserve a venue for your upcoming event now

Wedding couples looking for wedding reception venues and beach wedding venues can log on to this Philippines Wedding Venue web site for free information and assistance:

While in Clark, it might be a good idea to enjoy an evening of wine-and-dine in the fine dining Yats Restaurant and Wine Bar that features an award winning 2700-line wine list. It is located in Mimosa Leisure Estate of Clark Freeport Zone. For more information, visit

YATS Leisure Philippines is a developer and operator of clubs, resorts and high-class restaurants and wine shops in Clark Angeles Philippines

While in Clark, one might as well add to the itinerary a visit to the famous Clark Wine Center, the largest wine shop in Philippines which offers over 2000 selections of fine vintage wine from all wine regions, vintages spanning over 50 years covering all price ranges.

Looking for famous tourists spots, places to visit and see, relax and unwind in Clark, Pampanga, Philippines? You may want to check out these sites also:

For jobs and business investment opportunities in the Philippines please visit

Hot Line for what’s happening in Clark: 045 889-5151 or 0927-940-2669 ask for Loydha

0915-542-6250 (Jeramie)

Lazatin dared to explain Congress absences

ANGELES CITY–Women’s groups in this city joined the growing clamor of residents to First District Representative Carmelo “Tarzan” Lazatin to explai
his reported continuous failure to attend congressional sessions in Quezon City.
Women’s groups stated that it is the duty of the 78-year old congressman to attend to duties in Congress and report the same to his constituents.
“Tarzan must explain his absences to the people who voted for him as representative of the first congressional district of Pampanga. The people expected him to perform well but it seems that Tarzan is consistently under bad weather lately, thus, could not really attend to his day-to-day functions as congressman,” Edna Gutierrez of the Samahan ng Kababaihan ng Lourdes North West (SKLNW), said.
“Congressman paki-explain po sa amin kung bakit lagi po kayo nag aabsent sa House of Representatives. Kami pong mamamayan dito sa Unang Distrito ng Pampanga ay nag eexpect na magampanan mo ang katungkulan mo bilang kongresista. Sayang naman ang boto naming kung hindi mo tinatrabaho ang katungkulan mo,” Gutierrez added.
Per records from the House of Representatives, Lazatin was absent in 17 session days in 2011. From July to November 2012, he was recorded as “present” in only 2 session days but “did not respond to the calling of the roll.”
“Is he sick? Is this the reason why he has failed to attend the sessions of the House of Representatives?” Maritess Canlas of the Barangay Recto Samahang Kababaihan (BRSK), asked.
“Tarzan Lazatin must reveal his true physical condition and health situation. He owes that to the electorate of Angeles City. Baka naman kailangan na niyang mamahinga at tumulong na lang sa krusada ni Mayor Edgardo Pamintuan tungo sa ikauunlad ng Ciudad ng Angeles,” Canlas added.
“Tarzan has failed to attend the sessions of Congress. That is the sad reality. Why? Only Tarzan Lazatin knows for now, and perhaps some people very close to him. But still we hope that this is not due to a serious ailment. We hope that he is well. However, it is still our belief that Tarzan Lazatin, now at the age of 78, must retire from politics. We hope he will be our first local statesman in the interest of unity and common good, and for the development and progress of our beloved city. If Tarzan could do this, then history will forever be on his side,” Margie Manarang, from the Women’s Assocition of Cutcut (WAC), said.
“Pakiusap namin na sana po ay magbigay-daan na si Lazatin sa mga mas nakababatang pulitiko. Gawin sana niya ang makasaysayang pagbibigay-daan na ito at maging kauna-unahang pulitiko na nagretiro para sa pagkakaisa,” Manarang added.
Congressman Lazatin has earlier showed that his health is stable by attending various activities in the city and his district. ●–Charlene A. Cayabyab

The best getaway destination vacation spot near Manila convenient safe and accessible is Clearwater Beach Resort in Clark Pampanga.

Event organizers and companies in Manila travel out of town to the north to hold their team building events and company outings in a good resort in Pampanga. Clearwater Resort located in Clark is well regarded as one of the best venues for team building near Manila. This is also one of the best resorts in Pampanga that offers good picnic spots near Manila.

Quiet place for rest and relaxation near Manila, in Subic, Angeles City Pampanga and Clark Philippines is something that residents of Manila travelling to the north for a short getaway are looking for. Clark is already a popular destination for golfers from Manila. Clark Freeport offers some of the best golf courses in Pampanga and outshines many golf clubs and golf courses elsewhere in the Philippines. Clark Pampanga offers many good resorts and hotels for a short trip out of Manila, and Clearwater is one of the best places to relax and unwind for a weekend getaway or a short holiday in Pampanga.

This private resort in Pampanga is a frequently visited vacation spot outside of Manila. Included in the list of resorts highly recommended for families with children visiting Clark Philippines is Clearwater Resort located conveniently in the central business district of Clark Freeport which is accessible from Manila.

Free internet WIFI access is offered to guests of this famous hotel in Clark Pampanga. Guests can even connect to Internet WIFI service near the white sand beach, by the famous lake of Clark or in any of the picnic grounds around this resort. This hotel in Clark Philippines is generally considered by Manila residents to be a good place for family trips in Pampanga.

Clearwater Resort is generally regarded as one of the best holiday spots near Manila. Highly recommended summer vacation destination outside Manila is Clearwater Beach Resort in Clark, a safe and convenient tourist spot that offers natural ambience for visitors to enjoy the outdoors with no stress. Private resort is frequently visited during Holy Week and Easter Holidays for residents of Manila travelling out of town on getaway to the north to unwind and relax in outdoor resort.

During holy week, Easter holidays, Christmas, New Year, Halloween and especially the Clark Hot Air Balloon Festival, Manila residents travel out of town to the north to relax and unwind at this famous resort in Pampanga. Clearwater Resort is the hotel in Clark that visitors prefer for family bonding and team building outside of Manila.

For inquiries and bookings, Please click here to contact Clearwater Resort for inquiries and reservations now

Clearwater Resort and Country Club, Clark Pampanga
Creekside Road near Centennial Expo,
Clark Freeport, Pampanga Philippines 2023
(045) 889-5151 0917-520-4403 0922-870-5177
Joanne or Jeremy or Loydha

Getting to this lake and beach resort in Pampanga Angeles City Clark Philippines

After entering Clark Freeport from Dau and Angeles City, proceed straight along the main highway MA Roxas, passing the stand-along wine shop called Clark Wine Center on the right, continue to bear right making no turns at all, go past Mimosa Leisure Estate on the opposite side of the road, one will hit a major intersection. Go straight and the road becomes Creekside Road. YATS Clearwater Resort and Country Club is on the right just 200m down.

Family Bonding by the famous lake of Clark Pampanga

Manila Sales Office
3003C East Tower, Phil Stock Exchange Center,
Exchange Rd Ortigas Metro Manila, Philippines 1605

(632) 637-5019 0917-520-4393 Rea or Chay


Please click here to contact Clearwater Resort to reserve a venue for your upcoming event now

Wedding couples looking for wedding reception venues and beach wedding venues can log on to this Philippines Wedding Venue web site for free information and assistance:

While in Clark, it might be a good idea to enjoy an evening of wine-and-dine in the fine dining Yats Restaurant and Wine Bar that features an award winning 2700-line wine list. It is located in Mimosa Leisure Estate of Clark Freeport Zone. For more information, visit

YATS Leisure Philippines is a developer and operator of clubs, resorts and high-class restaurants and wine shops in Clark Angeles Philippines

While in Clark, one might as well add to the itinerary a visit to the famous Clark Wine Center, the largest wine shop in Philippines which offers over 2000 selections of fine vintage wine from all wine regions, vintages spanning over 50 years covering all price ranges.

Looking for famous tourists spots, places to visit and see, relax and unwind in Clark, Pampanga, Philippines? You may want to check out these sites also:

For jobs and business investment opportunities in the Philippines please visit

Hot Line for what’s happening in Clark: 045 889-5151 or 0927-940-2669 ask for Loydha

0915-542-6250 (Jeramie)

Ecija rice trader arrested for gun-poking

CAMP OLIVAS, Pampanga—A rice trader was arrested after a tricycle driver complained he was threatened by the former with a gun in Licab town, Nueva Ecija over the weekend.
The trader was identified as Alfredo Tabuyo, 46, businessman (palay trader) and resident of Purok 4, Poblacion Sur, Licab, Nueva Ecija.
According to the police, Benjamin Flores, 66, tricycle driver and resident of Purok 1, Barangay San Cristobal, Licab reported to the police office at about 8 a.m. that Tabuyo poked a gun and threatened him at the Licab Public Market.
When Flores, accompanied by police authorities, saw Tabuyo, the victim pointed to the suspect who was in front of a buying station at the market.
As the police approached Tabuyo, the authorities saw in plain view a gun on the waist of the suspect.
However, investigation showed that before the incident, the victim and the suspect had a verbal altercation that led to a heated argument in a traffic jam at the vicinity of the public market.
Tabuyo then drew his gun prompting Flores to run to report to the police.
Confiscated from the suspect was an Armscor caliber .45 pistol with live ammos, police said.
Tabuyo is now under the custody of the Licab police as criminal complaints of Grave Threat and illegal possession of firearm is being prepared against him. ●–Froilan E. Magtoto
The best getaway destination vacation spot near Manila convenient safe and accessible is Clearwater Beach Resort in Clark Pampanga.

Event organizers and companies in Manila travel out of town to the north to hold their team building events and company outings in a good resort in Pampanga. Clearwater Resort located in Clark is well regarded as one of the best venues for team building near Manila. This is also one of the best resorts in Pampanga that offers good picnic spots near Manila.

Quiet place for rest and relaxation near Manila, in Subic, Angeles City Pampanga and Clark Philippines is something that residents of Manila travelling to the north for a short getaway are looking for. Clark is already a popular destination for golfers from Manila. Clark Freeport offers some of the best golf courses in Pampanga and outshines many golf clubs and golf courses elsewhere in the Philippines. Clark Pampanga offers many good resorts and hotels for a short trip out of Manila, and Clearwater is one of the best places to relax and unwind for a weekend getaway or a short holiday in Pampanga.

This private resort in Pampanga is a frequently visited vacation spot outside of Manila. Included in the list of resorts highly recommended for families with children visiting Clark Philippines is Clearwater Resort located conveniently in the central business district of Clark Freeport which is accessible from Manila.

Free internet WIFI access is offered to guests of this famous hotel in Clark Pampanga. Guests can even connect to Internet WIFI service near the white sand beach, by the famous lake of Clark or in any of the picnic grounds around this resort. This hotel in Clark Philippines is generally considered by Manila residents to be a good place for family trips in Pampanga.

Clearwater Resort is generally regarded as one of the best holiday spots near Manila. Highly recommended summer vacation destination outside Manila is Clearwater Beach Resort in Clark, a safe and convenient tourist spot that offers natural ambience for visitors to enjoy the outdoors with no stress. Private resort is frequently visited during Holy Week and Easter Holidays for residents of Manila travelling out of town on getaway to the north to unwind and relax in outdoor resort.

During holy week, Easter holidays, Christmas, New Year, Halloween and especially the Clark Hot Air Balloon Festival, Manila residents travel out of town to the north to relax and unwind at this famous resort in Pampanga. Clearwater Resort is the hotel in Clark that visitors prefer for family bonding and team building outside of Manila.

For inquiries and bookings, Please click here to contact Clearwater Resort for inquiries and reservations now

Clearwater Resort and Country Club, Clark Pampanga
Creekside Road near Centennial Expo,
Clark Freeport, Pampanga Philippines 2023
(045) 889-5151 0917-520-4403 0922-870-5177
Joanne or Jeremy or Loydha

Getting to this lake and beach resort in Pampanga Angeles City Clark Philippines

After entering Clark Freeport from Dau and Angeles City, proceed straight along the main highway MA Roxas, passing the stand-along wine shop called Clark Wine Center on the right, continue to bear right making no turns at all, go past Mimosa Leisure Estate on the opposite side of the road, one will hit a major intersection. Go straight and the road becomes Creekside Road. YATS Clearwater Resort and Country Club is on the right just 200m down.

Family Bonding by the famous lake of Clark Pampanga

Manila Sales Office
3003C East Tower, Phil Stock Exchange Center,
Exchange Rd Ortigas Metro Manila, Philippines 1605

(632) 637-5019 0917-520-4393 Rea or Chay


Please click here to contact Clearwater Resort to reserve a venue for your upcoming event now

Wedding couples looking for wedding reception venues and beach wedding venues can log on to this Philippines Wedding Venue web site for free information and assistance:

While in Clark, it might be a good idea to enjoy an evening of wine-and-dine in the fine dining Yats Restaurant and Wine Bar that features an award winning 2700-line wine list. It is located in Mimosa Leisure Estate of Clark Freeport Zone. For more information, visit

YATS Leisure Philippines is a developer and operator of clubs, resorts and high-class restaurants and wine shops in Clark Angeles Philippines

While in Clark, one might as well add to the itinerary a visit to the famous Clark Wine Center, the largest wine shop in Philippines which offers over 2000 selections of fine vintage wine from all wine regions, vintages spanning over 50 years covering all price ranges.

Looking for famous tourists spots, places to visit and see, relax and unwind in Clark, Pampanga, Philippines? You may want to check out these sites also:

For jobs and business investment opportunities in the Philippines please visit

Hot Line for what’s happening in Clark: 045 889-5151 or 0927-940-2669 ask for Loydha

0915-542-6250 (Jeramie)